Bonnie Hawthorne

Writer • Photographer • Filmmaker

Photo by Peter Figen, Monterey, CA 1984



Dreaming of a Vetter World

Their neighbors thought they were crazy.
Their kids were teased at school.
Turns out they were onto something.

Dreaming of a Vetter World comes at a time when interest in farming regeneratively has exploded worldwide. Others are finally realizing what the Vetters have known for decades: eating food grown with pesticides is bad for us, and soil is key to our very survival. That’s why, on the Vetter farm, their most important “crop” is the soil.

With camera and camper in tow, filmmaker Bonnie Hawthorne left her urban California comforts in the rearview mirror to learn from the Vetters—and others in their Nebraska region—about what’s really going on in the Corn Belt. Her debut feature documentary shares the struggles the Vetters face as “Big Ag” encroaches. Informative yet entertaining, the film features the self-sustaining, self-renewing farm-management experiment Donald and David Vetter created back in the 1970s. As the Vetters try to stay one step ahead of changing weather patterns, market fluctuations, and the ever-increasing pesticide use around them, their experiment to regenerate soil through organic methods continues.